Utility assistance provides basic comfort and support for many throughout our area
Our utility assistance program is a special work of charity that goes back to the very beginning of the Society when our founder Frederic Ozanam — then a college student — was challenged to put his Christian faith into action. In response, he shared his firewood with a destitute individual struggling to stay warm.
Last year, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul assisted hundreds of local families and individuals who needed help paying their utility bills, especially during the winter months. We are the “last stop” for our neighbors struggling to make ends meet due to unemployment, personal illness, disaster, or other difficult and often tragic life events.
Through our utility assistance program, individuals experiencing crisis and unable to pay their electric, gas, or water bill can receive help with their regular monthly payment. Some conferences also offer support applying to LIHEAP, CRISIS, or the Dollar Energy Fund.
For more information regarding utility assistance, please go to our assistance page by clicking here.