Donating and Shopping in the “New Normal”

On Monday, May 4, our stores opened to accept donations Monday-Friday from 10a-4p. You may have noticed some changes:

1. Our employees have personal protective equipment including masks, face shields and gloves
2. We practice social distancing (6 feet please)
3. We ask that your donations be in a bag or box (no loose items)
4. If you are donating larger pieces of furniture, please call in advance to make sure that the store can accommodate with the appropriate staff
5. Your donations will be quarantined for 48 hours BEFORE they are touched by our staff members or another customer.

On Monday, May 18, our stores will reopen at their normal business hours. Some things to be aware of:

1. Do not shop if you are experiencing symptoms like coughing, shortness of breath or fever over 100.4
2. You must have a face mask to enter the store.
3. Our staff wears gloves when touching donated items, you should consider that too.
4. Our staff will be cleaning and sanitizing frequently. Most importantly, the high touch areas.
5. Our dressing rooms and restrooms will be closed.
6. Arrows have been placed on the floor to keep the flow of traffic moving in a singular direction.
7. Though we have taken the above precautions, we recommend that you clean your purchases when you get home.